June 3, 2019
Craft | DIY | DIY hack | DIY home craft hacks | entrepreneur | motivation | summer vacation
DIY Home Hack
The first few days are glorious and it’s like the gods knew I needed to soak up the sun and adore the 2 cherubs I gave birth to, then BAM! out of nowhere comes the zombie apocalypse.
But alas my children are not being eaten by zombies (I wouldn’t get so lucky), instead they are just kicking off the summer with annoyance of epic proportions. Thank goodness my kids know that the words I’m bored mean you get to clean up dog poop in the yard because I rarely hear that phrase. Whew. So instead I am going to teach them to do this little craft hack with stuff we have around the house and see if that can save my precious ears.
- White ceramic tiles from Lowes/Home Depot
- Permanent markers
- 70% rubbing alcohol
- Droppers-even the ones for liquid medicine work
- Clear spray paint
- Cork (either in a roll or the coasters from the craft store)
- Craft glue
- Color the white tile with permanent marker
- Drop alcohol on the tile and swirl it around
- Leave it to dry, once dry spray with clear spray paint
- After spray paint has dried flip the coaster over and glue the cork on to the back
It’s that easy! If you buy an entire box of tiles you can have gifts for days. Heck if my kids enjoy this enough I may help them rent a booth at farmers market and sell the coasters. I do love a good entrepreneurial project.
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Rita and Betty Retreat
Join us in Bozeman, MT in October for a weekend of rest, relaxation, and fun! We’ll explore and learn how to take the time you need to excel at being the best you possible! And don’t worry the weekend will be full of crafts and fun!
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